MSc in Business Analytics

MSc in Business Analytics

NUS Business Analytics Centre

Programme at a Glance


Intake and Application

Next Intake Aug 2025
Application Period 14 Oct 2024–31 Jan 2025

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The National University of Singapore (NUS) Master of Science in Business Analytics (MSBA) is a graduate degree programme offered by the NUS Business Analytics Centre (BAC). It is designed and taught by award-winning academics from NUS Business School and NUS Computing.

The NUS MSBA aims to equip professionals with business analytics skills that will meet the growing demands of companies looking to improve their operations through data analytics.

Offered in Singapore for local and overseas students as a full-time (13-month) or part-time (two-year) programme, the NUS MSBA is designed to facilitate experiential learning through a balance of intellectual academic rigour and hands-on applications.

Students in the programme will gain the competencies needed to excel in the data analytics field across various industries such as finance, retail, information technology, supply chain, and healthcare.

The NUS MSBA programme boasts strong connection to industry partners in the business data analytics field across various sectors. Students and graduates of the programme can interact with and learn from the leaders in this community to enhance their career prospects and competencies in the business analytics field.

Upon completion of the programme, NUS MSBA graduates will be able to use relevant data-driven techniques and tools to understand and resolve complex business analytics problems, a skill highly sought after across different industries and environments, both locally and internationally.

Why This Programme?

Join one of the world’s highest-ranked Master’s degree programmes in Business Analytics*

Get the best of both the business and computing worlds through a programme that combines insights into business and operations with a deep understanding of the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Big Data.

Gain hands-on experience with industrial analytics projects aimed at solving real-life problems.

* QS Business Master's Rankings 2025: Business Analytics

Application Period

An Academic Year (AY) at NUS* consists of two semesters and a special term (which occurs during the Semester 2 Vacation, and is divided into two parts of six weeks duration each):

Semester 1: Aug–Dec Semester 2: Jan–May Special Term (Part 1): May–Jun Special Term (Part 2): Jun–Jul

* The NUS MSBA programme adopts a slightly different calendar, which can be viewed here.

For the NUS MSBA programme, there is one application period for each AY:

ProgrammeIntakeApplication Dates
MSc MSBASemester 1 (Aug Intake)Oct of preceding year to Jan of intake year

Admission to the NUS MSBA programme is granted on a competitive basis as places in the programme are limited. Applicants should possess the following minimum requirements:


Bachelor's Degree (with Honours) preferably in Business, Economics, Computing, Mathematics, Engineering, Science or Statistics

Note: Candidates with academic qualifications other than the above may be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the department.


For holders of Bachelor’s Degrees without honours and Bachelor’s Degrees other than Business Analytics or related disciplines (see above), two years of relevant work experience

A strong foundation in Mathematics

English Language

Not applicable


Highly recommended for international applicants:

Graduate Record Examinations (GRE), or

Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)

Note: GRE scores are valid for five years from the test date and should not have expired at point of application. Expired scores will not be considered for the application.

Note: All credentials will be weighted based on the quality of applicants applying for the NUS MSBA programme each year, meaning that each component has no minimum cut-off.

Applicants are responsible for ensuring that application information and all supporting documents are truthful and correct. NUS reserves the right to verify information provided as part of an application. False or misleading information in an application (including but not limited to test scores, resumes, certificates, transcripts, etc.) is grounds for admission rejection, revocation and/or dismissal from the University.

The NUS MSBA programme is offered on the following basis (with estimated time to complete the programme indicated below):

Full-time13 months
Part-time24 months

Note: International applicants must be accepted into an approved full-time course in Singapore to apply for a Student’s Pass. For more information, refer to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website.

The NUS MSBA is a 44-Unit coursework-based Master’s Degree programme comprising:

Core/essential courses (20 Units), with a three-to-six-month capstone project (12 Units), and

Elective courses (20 Units).

Core/Essential Courses

Students will complete five essential courses to build a cross-disciplinary foundation for Business Analytics and engage in rigorous study beyond the assumed disciplinary borders. This covers the interface between computer science, statistics, and other professional disciplines in the NUS Education framework. Students who know first-year undergraduate mathematics, specifically calculus and linear algebra and programming knowledge would have an advantage.

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
BT5110Data Management and Warehousing4
DBA5101Analytics in Managerial Economics4
DBA5103Operations Research and Analytics4
DBA5106Foundation in Business Analytics4
BT5151Advanced Analytics and Machine Learning4
DBA5102Capstone Project12

* Part-time students are recommended to do their capstone project with the company they are working for.

Elective Courses

In addition to essential courses, students are required to take three elective courses from at most two of the following vertical sectors.

These elective courses will help them delve deeper into understanding different analytic techniques required for specific industry sectors and build upon knowledge, concepts and skills learnt in essential courses. Through these elective courses, students innovate, devise and refine techniques and tools to solve complex problems.

Students who aspire to be Business Analytics experts in other vertical sectors beyond the five below may take relevant advanced courses from the respective participating faculties, subject to approval by the Academic Committee.

Big Data Analytics Techniques

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
CS5344Big-Data Analytics Technology4
CS5224Cloud Computing4
CS5242Neural Networks and Deep Learning4

Consumer Data Analytics

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
BT5126Hands-on with Business Analytics (Consumer)4
DBA5104Introduction to Network Science & Analytics4

Financial & Risk Analytics

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
DBA5105Fintech, Enabling Technologies and Analytics4
DBA5109Quantitative Risk Management4

Healthcare Analytics

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
SPH5411Information Technology in Healthcare4
SPH5412Economic Methods in Healthcare Technology Assessment4
TBA4250Healthcare Analytics4

Statistical Modelling

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
ST5202Applied Regression Analysis4
ST5207Nonparametric Regression4
ST5212Survival Analysis4
ST5213Categorical Data Analysis II4

Note: The list of elective courses above is not exhaustive and is subject to change. For more information about the courses listed above (as well as other courses offered in the current academic year), please visit NUSMODS.

To graduate from the NUS MSBA programme, students must meet the following requirements:

Programme and/or Specialisation

Read and pass a total of 40 Units, comprising:

20 Units of core/essential courses,

12 Units of capstone project, and

12 Units of elective courses

Course and/or Qualification

Not applicable

Grade Point Average (GPA) Minimum 3.0 (out of maximum 5.0)

Please see also the University’s minimum standards for Continuation and Graduation Requirements. Specific programmes may implement stricter or additional requirements.

Other Not applicable


The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.


S$65,000.00 (excluding GST) /
S$70,850.00 (including 9% GST)


S$100.00 (including 9% GST)

Non-refundable and non-transferable


S$10,900.00 (including 9% GST)

Payable upon acceptance of offer

Non-refundable and non-transferable

Will be credited towards tuition fees

Miscellaneous Student Fees As published by Office of the University Registrar

Payable every regular semester

Scholarships & Financial Assistance

The scholarships and financial assistance schemes presented here are examples of the kinds of funding from the University as well as third-party sponsors that might be available to eligible NUS Master's Degree (Coursework) programme students and applicants.

The information provided is subject to change, and warranties cannot be provided as to its completeness or accuracy. Students and applicants are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research, and refer to the relevant sponsors and/or websites for more detailed and up-to-date information.

Programme at a Glance


Intake and Application

Next Intake Aug 2025
Application Period 14 Oct 2024–31 Jan 2025

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For enquiries, contact us.

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