Programme at a Glance

Intake and Application
The National University of Singapore (NUS) Master of Science (MSc) in Behavioural and Implementation Sciences in Health (MScBIS) is offered by the Centre for Implementation and Behavioural Science Interventions at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUSMed).
The MScBIS programme, the first of its kind in Asia, is designed to explore the dynamic intersection of behavioural change approaches and implementation strategies, providing students with a unique opportunity to delve into the complexities of human behaviour and translate evidence into effective interventions applied to healthcare settings.
Targeted at healthcare professionals, management teams, policy makers and thought leaders, this programme is also relevant to anyone at any stage of their career who conduct or are involved in health services or quality improvement projects and implementation work in their workplace, and anyone who seeks knowledge in the areas of behavioural and implementation sciences.
MScBIS students will learn state-of-the-art behavioural and organisational change methods, which they will then lead on in healthcare organisations in Singapore—and further afield—and master methodological and statistical approaches to evaluate the implementation, spread, and clinical and population health impact of evidenced interventions.
The programme is taught by specialists at the forefront of research and practitioners in behavioural and implementation sciences. It has a rigorous focus on the cross-disciplinary theoretical, empirical, and applied fundamentals of behavioural and implementation sciences. Additionally, the programme offers students the option to specialise in either the Research or Practice tracks.
Throughout their time here, students will be exposed to cutting-edge research, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and collaborate with esteemed faculty members and fellow students who share a passion for making a positive impact on the major healthcare challenges facing our generation today and in the future.
Why This Programme?
Become a thought leader in modern health through the only degree programme that combines behavioural and implementation sciences specifically designed to address the urgent needs of the healthcare community in Singapore and around the region.
Learn through the first-hand experiences of our world-renowned panel of experts in the fields of behavioural and implementation scientists, researchers, policy makers and thought leaders.
Enjoy greater flexibility as a busy professional, taking advantage of the first "hybrid" Master's Degree programme to be offered in NUS, with two core courses delivered fully online.
Application Period
An Academic Year (AY) at NUS consists of two semesters and a special term (which occurs during the Semester 2 Vacation, and is divided into two parts of six weeks duration each):
For the MScBIS programme, there is one application period for each AY:
Programme | Intake | Application Dates |
MScBIS | Semester 1 (Aug Intake) | 1 Dec of preceding year to 31 Mar of intake year (international applicants) / 31 May of intake year (Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents) |
Note: Shortlisted candidates will be notified within two months of the closing of the application period. Applicants are encouraged to submit their applications early as offers of admission may be made to suitable candidates before the application period closes, subject to approval from the selection committee.
Admission to the NUS MScBIS programme is granted on a competitive basis as places in the programme are limited. Applicants should possess the following minimum requirements:
Academic | Bachelor’s Degree (preferably with Honours) in a Health, Healthcare, Psychology, Social Sciences, Social Work, and related fields Note: Alternatively, candidates with other qualifications and relevant industry experience may be considered on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the Programme Committee |
Skill/Experience | Not applicable |
English Language | International applicants whose medium of university instruction is not completely in English: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) minimum score of 85 (Internet-based), or International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum Academic score of 6.0 Note: TOEFL / IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date and should not have expired at point of application. Expired scores will not be considered for the application. |
Other | Not applicable |
Candidates may visit the official Educational Testing Service (ETS) website for scheduling of TOEFL/GRE tests.
Note: Applicants are responsible for ensuring that application information and all supporting documents are truthful and correct. NUS reserves the right to verify information provided as part of an application. False or misleading information in an application (including but not limited to test scores, resumes, certificates, transcripts, etc.) is grounds for admission rejection, revocation and/or dismissal from the University.
The NUS MScBIS programme is offered on the following basis (with estimated time to complete the programme indicated below):
Full-time | 12–24 months |
Part-time | 24–48 months |
Note: International applicants must be accepted into an approved full-time course in Singapore to apply for a Student’s Pass. For more information, refer to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website.
The MScBIS is a 40-Unit coursework-based Master’s Degree programme comprising:
Core/essential courses (28 Units), and
Elective courses (12 Units)
Core/Essential Courses
Students must complete the Core/Essential Courses (28 Units).
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
BIS5001 | Fundamentals of Behavioural and Implementation Sciences (eLearning) | 4 |
BIS5002 | Evidence-informed Practice and Policies in Healthcare | 4 |
BIS5101 | Intermediate Research Methods for Behavioural and Implementation Sciences | 4 |
BIS5102 | Intermediate Behavioural and Implementation Sciences (eLearning) | 4 |
BIS5103 | Programme Evaluation in Health | 4 |
BIS5003 | Master’s Project I | 4 |
BIS5104 | Master’s Project II | 4 |
Elective Courses
Students must complete 12 Units of Elective Courses. Students who do not wish to specialise may choose any of the courses listed below. Students who elect to specialise in Research or Practice must complete the courses listed under the respective track, and make up the remaining Units by choosing any of the other courses listed. Track specialisation is not a graduation requirement.
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
BIS5005 | Introductory Research Methods in Behavioural and Implementation Sciences | 4 |
DL5102 | Digital Agility & Change Leadership | 4 |
BMI5207 | Medical Data and Data Processing | 4 |
Research Track
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
BIS5004 | Behavioural Decision Sciences | 4 |
BIS5106 | Advanced Research Methods for Behavioural and Implementation Sciences - Complex Intervention Design | 4 |
Practice Track
Course Code | Course Title | Units |
BIS5105 | Advanced Applications of Behavioural and Implementation Sciences | 4 |
BMI5108 | Advanced Value-Based Healthcare | 4 |
Note: Courses are subject to change. For more information about the courses listed above (as well as other courses offered in the current academic year), please visit NUSMODS.
To graduate from the NUS MScBIS programme, students must meet the following requirements:
Programme and/or Specialisation | Read and pass a total of 40 Units, comprising: 28 Units of Core/Essential Courses, and 12 Units of Elective Courses (including all the courses required under the respective track for specialisation) |
Course and/or Qualification | Not applicable |
Grade Point Average (GPA) | Minimum 3.0 (out of maximum 5.0)
Please see also the University’s minimum standards for Continuation and Graduation Requirements. Specific programmes may implement stricter or additional requirements. |
Other | Not applicable |
The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.
Tuition | S$54,000.00
(excluding GST) /
Application | S$50.00 (including 9% GST) Non-refundable and non-transferable |
Acceptance | S$5,000.00 Payable upon acceptance of offer Non-refundable and non-transferable Will be credited towards tuition fees |
Miscellaneous Student Fees | As published by Office of the University Registrar
Payable every regular semester |
Scholarships & Financial Assistance
The scholarships and financial assistance schemes presented here are examples of the kinds of funding from the University as well as third-party sponsors that might be available to eligible NUS Master's Degree (Coursework) programme students and applicants.
The information provided is subject to change, and warranties cannot be provided as to its completeness or accuracy. Students and applicants are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research, and refer to the relevant sponsors and/or websites for more detailed and up-to-date information.
NUS Master's by Coursework Enhanced Tuition Fee Rebate
NUS Master's Degree by Coursework Tuition Fee Rebate
SkillsFuture Level-Up Programme
Programme at a Glance

Intake and Application

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