MSc in Engineering Design & Innovation

MSc in Engineering Design & Innovation

College of Design and Engineering

Programme at a Glance


Intake and Application

Next Intake Aug 2025
Application Period 1 Oct 2024–28 Feb 2025

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The National University of Singapore (NUS) Master of Science in Engineering Design & Innovation (MSc EDI) is offered by the Engineering Design and Innovation Centre at the NUS College of Design and Engineering.

The MSc EDI is a unique programme developed to meet the challenges of the 21st century. Designed for professionals who already have working knowledge in their own respective disciplines, the programme trains students to work together, making the most of their creativity and passion to solve societal challenges such as environmental sustainability, global warming, garbage overload, transportation congestion and many others.

The programme is anchored by four core courses—comprising Design Thinking & Product Development, Engineering Systems Design, Ideas to Market, and a major multi-disciplinary design project (which will span two semesters and typically involve a multi-disciplinary team working on an industrial problem). Students also have a wide selection of electives to choose from (these are grouped into three verticals: Design, Enterprise and Technology).

The programme is unique in that it brings together ideas from industrial design and complex engineering systems to deliver solutions that are holistic and that meet the needs of stakeholders. The electives allow students to explore their passions in different areas and contribute to the major design project.

Why This Programme?

Cultivate an entrepreneurial mind-set to participate in design and innovation activities—much needed to enable value creation in any organisation.

Develop an understanding of technology-based design and innovation strategies, and apply design thinking and product design methodologies to develop innovative solutions.

Gain multi-disciplinary perspectives and broader experiences (beyond individual comfort zones), and develop the skills to work effectively in multi-disciplinary teams with extensive opportunities to hone communications skills.

Application Period

An Academic Year (AY) at NUS consists of two semesters and a special term (which occurs during the Semester 2 Vacation, and is divided into two parts of six weeks duration each):

Semester 1: Aug–Dec Semester 2: Jan–May Special Term (Part 1): May–Jun Special Term (Part 2): Jun–Jul

For the MSc EDI programme, there is one application period for each AY:

ProgrammeIntakeApplication Dates
MSc EDI Semester 1 (Aug Intake)* Oct of preceding year to Feb of the intake year
* The period between mid-May and mid-Aug, i.e. the Special Terms, is when students in the MSc EDI programme should be working on the major design project.

Admission to the NUS MSc EDI programme is granted on a competitive basis as places in the programme are limited. Applicants should possess the following minimum requirements:


Bachelor’s Degree (preferably with Honours) in Engineering, Computing, Business Studies, Industrial Design or equivalent disciplines


Any significant experience in prototyping will be considered; please include a statement to describe the prototype, the purpose of the prototype, the skills learned, etc.

Design Portfolios (if any) will also be considered.

English Language

Applicants whose first language is not English are required to demonstrate their English proficiency by means of either of the following tests:*:

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) minimum score of 85 (Internet-based), or

International English Language Testing System (IELTS) minimum Academic score of 6.0

* English Language requirement may be waived for applicants who have completed degree programmes taught entirely in English in one of the following countries : Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, the United Kingdom or the United States of America.

Note: TOEFL / IELTS scores are valid for two years from the test date and should not have expired at point of application. Expired scores will not be considered for the application.

Not applicable

Candidates may visit the official Educational Testing Service (ETS) website for scheduling of TOEFL/GRE tests.

Note: Applicants are responsible for ensuring that application information and all supporting documents are truthful and correct. NUS reserves the right to verify information provided as part of an application. False or misleading information in an application (including but not limited to test scores, resumes, certificates, transcripts, etc.) is grounds for admission rejection, revocation and/or dismissal from the University.

The NUS MSc EDI programme is offered on the following basis (with estimated time to complete the programme indicated below):

Full-time12–18 months

Note: International applicants must be accepted into an approved full-time course in Singapore to apply for a Student’s Pass. For more information, refer to the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) website.

The MSc EDI is a 40-Unit coursework-based Master’s Degree programme comprising:

Core/essential courses (24 Units), inclusive of a major multi-disciplinary design project, and

Elective courses (16 Units).

Core/Essential Courses

The core curriculum comprises four compulsory courses (24 Units), inclusive of a Major Design Project that will span two semesters.

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
CDE5301Major Design Project 12
CDE5302Design Thinking and Product Development 4
CDE5303Engineering Systems Design 4
CDE5304Ideas to Market 4

Elective Courses

Students must choose four courses (16 Units) from the list below, ensuring that at least one course is chosen from each of the three verticals (i.e. choose one course from Design, one from Enterprise, one from Technology, and one from any vertical).

Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
BN5501The Biodesign Process of Innovation in Healthcare 4
CDE5311Essential Skills in AI UX and UI Design 4
ID5354Design Strategies and Leadership 4
ID5355Co-Design 4
ID5951Topics in Industrial Design 4
IE5301 Human Factors in Engineering & Design 4
NM5219Critical Design 4
Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
CDE5399EEngineering Design & Innovation Internship 4
IE5003Cost Analysis and Engineering Economy 4
MT5001Intellectual Property Management & Innovation Strategy 4
MT5012Marketing of Technology Products in the Digital Era 4
MT5022Digital Disruption and Technology Strategy 4
MT5023Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Strategy 4
MT5911Venture Capital Funding for Tech Venture 4
MT5920Enterprise Development 4
Course CodeCourse TitleUnits
BN5208Biomedical Quality and Regulatory Systems 4
CDE5312Beyond the Surface: Exploring Interactive Wearables 4
CDE5399TEngineering Design & Innovation Internship 4
CEG5204Smart Sensing Systems 4
CEG5205AI Sensors & Virtual/Augmented Reality Technologies 4
CEG5301Machine Learning with Applications 4
ESE5901Environmental Technology 4
ME5608Additive & Non-Conventional Manufacturing Processes 4
ME5612Computer-Aided Product Development 4
Note: Courses are subject to change. For more information about the courses listed above (as well as other courses offered in the current academic year), please visit NUSMODS.

To graduate from the NUS MSc EDI programme, students must meet the following requirements:

Programme and/or Specialisation

Read and pass a total of 40 Units, comprising:

24 Units of core/essential courses, and

16 Units of elective courses

Course and/or Qualification

Complete at least one elective course from each of the three verticals (Design, Enterprise and Design).

Grade Point Average (GPA) Minimum 3.0 (out of maximum 5.0)

Please see also the University’s minimum standards for Continuation and Graduation Requirements. Specific programmes may implement stricter or additional requirements.

Other Not applicable

The University reserves all rights to review fees as necessary and adjust accordingly without prior notice.


S$53,000.00 (excluding GST) /
S$57,770.00 (including 9% GST)


S$109.00 (including 9% GST)

Non-refundable and non-transferable


S$5,450.00 (including 9% GST)

Payable upon acceptance of offer

Non-refundable and non-transferable

Will be credited towards tuition fees

Miscellaneous Student Fees

As published by Office of the University Registrar

Payable every regular semester

Scholarships & Financial Assistance

The scholarships and financial assistance schemes presented here are examples of the kinds of funding from the University as well as third-party sponsors that might be available to eligible NUS Master's Degree (Coursework) programme students and applicants.

The information provided is subject to change, and warranties cannot be provided as to its completeness or accuracy. Students and applicants are strongly encouraged to conduct their own research, and refer to the relevant sponsors and/or websites for more detailed and up-to-date information.

Programme at a Glance


Intake and Application

Next Intake Aug 2025
Application Period 1 Oct 2024–28 Feb 2025

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